Insomnia Help & Remedy
Good Night! Sleep Tight!
by: Dr. Jan Strydom
Do you have trouble going to sleep at night? If so, you should certainly do something about it, as sound, restful sleep is as important to us as food, air and water.
Sometime in your life you may have difficulty sleeping. Many people do. Anyone can suffer from insomnia, although sleeping problems are more common among women, the ill, the elderly, smokers, and alcoholics. Sleep problems are, however, surprisingly common among young people. While it is not an illness and is in no way life-threatening, insomnia can be very distressing, frustrating, exhausting, depressing and at worst it can make you feel like you're going crazy.
The bad news is that there are probably millions of people all over the world who have this problem. The good news is that, if you are one of these, you can certainly do something about it. You can cure yourself, in your own time and at your own pace.
My first and most important advice is that you should stay away from sleeping pills and alcohol. A drugged sleep is never a restful sleep.
Second, there is a very helpful technique that I would advise you to apply on a regular basis. You may apply this technique while, for example, watching TV or while reading. Put you right hand (note that it must be the right hand) on your head, as shown in the accompanying photograph. Note that the four fingers must be held together, while the thumb must be held apart. You need not press hard, just hold the hand comfortably on the head in the position shown. Sit with the hand like this for at least 20 minutes at a time. If you find that your arm and shoulder tire quickly, you may rest your elbow on something for support. For example, if you sit at a table reading you may rest your elbow on a stack of books. Depending on the severity of your sleep problem, the technique should be repeated from 2 to 4 times every day.
Furthermore, calcium is well known as a promoter of sound sleep. I therefore suggest that you make sure that you take enough calcium on a daily basis. About 1000 mg of calcium, taken towards or during the early evening will be found helpful. Because it calms the nerves, about 500 – 600 mg of magnesium, taken at the same time as the calcium, will also contribute towards good, sound sleep.
My fourth suggestion is that you should go to bed at the same time every night and rise at the same time every morning. Your bedtime should definitely be before eleven o’clock, and you should rise well before seven every morning.
Good night, sleep tight, and may the fleas you plenty bite!
Copyright 2005: Dr Jan Strydom
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